Se intampla deseori ca imediat sau la cateva zile dupa ce am mers la manichiura, sa constatam cu dezamagire ca lacul de unghii a sarit foarte repede sau s-a crapat pe unghii. Pentru a avea o manichiura cat mai rezistenta in timp si pentru a preveni craparea si deteriorarea lacului de unghii, este important sa urmezi cativa pasi esentiali:
- Degreseaza unghiile foarte, foarte bine cu Clarify, chiar de 2 ori, insistand in santul unghial dintre unghie si piele!
- Aplica 2 straturi de base coat (Reword, Fusion, Bend don’t brake, Critical care, Restoration, Rejuvenation, oricare tratament consideri tu ca este potrivit tipulul de unghii pe care lucrezi)
Introdu base coat-ul si sub unghie!
- Aplica doua straturi generoase de culoare, pensuland de mai multe ori!
- Aplica top coat Top Priority sau Thick!
- Intre straturi este necesar sa faci o pauza de minim un minut!
- Daca acasa se aplica zilnic un strat de top coat Brilliance, lacul va rezista pe unghii pana la 10 zile.
Top coatul Brilliance este creat special pentru a fi aplicat zilnic. El este foarte subtire si foarte lucios, nu ingroasa stratul de culoare. El doar pune inapoi pe unghie stratul protector care se ia pe obiectele cu care intram in contact: prosop, haine, etc (Ati observat ce se intampla atunci cand purtati rosu, negru sau alta culoare inchisa pe unghii si le atingeti de coala alba de hartie sau de perete alb? Ramane o urma din culoarea noastra acolo. In acest fel ramane o parte din culoare pe orice obiect cu care intram in contact)
*Produsele mentionate in articol apartin brandului Jessica Cosmetics
How to make your nail polish last longer?
It is often disappointing that immediately or a few days after we had our manicure done, our nail polish starts to peel or crack on the nail. To prolong the life of a manicure and keep fingernail polish away from peeling or cracking prematurely, you should follow some essentials steps:
Degrease your nails really well with Clarify, even twice before applying the base coat, insisting on the gap between the nail and the skin!
- Apply two layers of base coat (Reword, Fusion, Bend don’t brake, Critical care, Restoration, Rejuvenation or any treatment that you consider suitable for the nail type you’re working on). It is very important to apply the base coat even under the nails.
- Apply two generous layers of polish, continuously brushing the nails.
- Apply Top Priority or Thick top coat.
- Wait a minute in between the layers’ application.
- If you apply daily, at home, a Brilliance top coat layer, the nail polish will last up to 10 days on the nails.
The Brilliance top coat is specially created for daily use. It is very thin and shiny and it doesn’t thicken the nail polish layer. Its role is to restructure the protective layer on the nails, which usually fades or blunts when we get in contact with different objects like towels, clothes etc. (Maybe you’ve seen what happens when we wear red, black or any other dark nail polish on the nails and we touch a white paper or white wall? A stain of our nail polish will eventually transfer on them. This explains why usually a small quantity of nail polish gets on the objects we get in touch with.)
Products used: Jessica Cosmetics